
My Goal

My Goal My Ambition Hi everybody! It's me again, Sawali. So, now I want to tell you my goals in 2023 and how I can achieve it. My dream that I want to achieve the most is to enter the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran👩‍⚕️🦷. By studying hard, with help from tutoring and school, I hope I can achieve my dream to enter the Faculty of Dentistry in Unpad. I will gradually learn from now on and take the try out seriously. But, before that, I want to graduate from SMAN 3 Bandung with good grades🎓; complete all subjects well, and get good grades on school final exams. To achieve this, I have to study harder and harder than in previous years and also be more diligent and serious in school and tutoring. If I go to Unpad dentistry, I hope I can survive there and get new friends and new things that are fun and can be used as life lessons. I also hope I get good grades there. I also hope my living environment and also the people around me are not 'toxic'. I will also

About Me

ABOUT ME Hi everybody! I'm Sawali Nazhira Afia. You can call me Sawali or to make it shorter, you can call me Sasa. I'm 16 years old. On July 25th I will be 17 years old. Now, I study at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, in grade 11. I'm an only child, but I never felt lonely. I live in Dago, Bandung with my parents and my grandparents.  Honestly, I don't know where to start to introduce myself. But I guess I'll tell you the things I like. I really like music. I can play the violin. I started playing the violin since I was in middle school. I think, playing violin is difficult, but also fun! I don't know how I decided to learn the violin, but it's one of the things I've never regretted. One of the things that is closely related to music is books. Reading books while listening to music is what I like. I really like reading books, especially novels. I like to imagine the story from the novel and imagine if I was in the story. I don't know what else to say, so mayb